
Just Three Inches…

Since 2019, I have personally been involved in three crashes involving distracted drivers.

How horrific is it that the great state of Texas statistically ranks in the number one or two position in the United States in fatal motor vehicle crashes annually. In Texas, over 12 people were killed daily on our roads last year. This year the number could tragically be even higher. So, what is the answer?

Something Officers Don’t Know

I was speaking at an event once when someone asked me this question. The question kind of took me by surprise because the topic of the night had more to do with Active Shooter Response and tactical considerations for civilians, so I wasn’t really in the mindset for that type of question. However, not one to back down from a challenge, I paused for a moment while I contemplated my answer.


There are a few times every year I consistently hear officers looking for extra income. It is almost always around the holidays or when they want to take vacations, i.e.: Spring Break, summer, etc. Being cops, we usually don’t get to vacation at the same time as everyone else (if at all), so I always ask, “Do you work the STEP grants?” *Insert blank stare here*, “Is there a STEP grant available around the holidays?” is the usual reply.

The Down and Dirty of Modern STEP Grants, What Every Administrator Needs to Know

If you have been in Law Enforcement as long as I have you probably remember the old days of working Selective Traffic Enforcement Program or STEP. Back in the old days the idea was to rack up as many citations as possible and at the end of your four hour shift you go back to the office and compare with your partners to see who was the better cop.